St Andrew’s Roundhay – a church with a heart for its community

Sunday 23 March @10.30am is Family Worship – Sheila Telfer

Loving God – Following Jesus – Serving Community

We believe that God’s love is for everyone, no matter who we are or what we have done.

We are told by those who visit that we’re open, positive, supportive, and somewhere that many in Roundhay – members or not – call “my church”.

St Andrew’s activities and spiritual life attract over a thousand people each week. We are a strong and growing presence in the area, with a real passion for sharing God’s love with all people.

Come and visit. Whether it be for worship on a Sunday morning, Badminton on a Thursday, or Parents and Toddlers on a Tuesday, you are sure of a warm welcome at St Andrew’s, Roundhay.

Wishing you every blessing.

May all who make their way to St Andrew’s sense God’s presence and find peace and purpose for life.

Please click here to see our Photo Gallery

Family Fun Day

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Mid-week Prayers online!

Prayer meetings are now being held via Microsoft Teams

For security reasons, please email for the details

Tuesday Prayer Meeting 7 for 7.15pm

Thursday Time with God 9.15 for 9.30am (Spend time with others on Microsoft Teams (about 20 minutes – half an hour) with others in prayer.  Format is variable and it is fine to join in when it suits you. You are always welcome!)

Requests for prayer may be emailed to marking the email ‘prayer request’.

A prayer for God’s Presence:

May the love of God surround me

the peace of God infuse me

the grace of God travel with me

this day, and my life through.