Welcome to St Andrew’s!
Everyone is welcome at St Andrew’s – whether you’re new to the area and looking for a church – or you want to find out more about the Christian faith – we will be pleased to meet you.
On this page you’ll find answers to some of the most frequent questions people ask us. However, if you can’t find the answer to your question please contact us by email churchsecretary@standrews.cc
Who are we?
St Andrew’s Roundhay United Reformed Church family is made up of people of all ages with an age range of 0 to 90+. We are an open and accepting community of people from a wide range of backgrounds who enjoy sharing worship, a wide range of social activities and friendship throughout the week.
When are our services held?
Our main act of worship takes place on Sunday mornings at 10.30am – we begin all together and then part way into the service the children and young people leave for their different activity-based groups. We also have a staffed crèche, which runs throughout the service, where babies may be left, or parents may choose to stay with them and hear the service relayed to the crèche. Every second Sunday we hold a evening communion service at 6.30pm. On the second Saturday of the month we hold Messy Church for children and their families to share informal worship, fun activities, fellowship and food together.
The last Sunday of most months is our Café Style Worship – a more informal service with refreshments served throughout. This is one of our most popular services.
Where will you find us?
You can enter St Andrew’s from the Car Park Door on Devonshire Crescent, follow the path from the car park to the ramp that leads into the church, or climb the steps to the main entrance on Shaftesbury Avenue.
For directions on how to reach us please see the Find Us page.
What to expect
On Sunday mornings you will be greeted by door stewards who will welcome you and give you one of our weekly notice sheets, along with a printed order of service which gives more details about the service that day. Aisle stewards are on hand to show you to a seat. You are welcome to sit quietly on your own or, if you prefer, be introduced to someone who will sit with you.
The service is a mixture of hymns and songs sung together, sometimes accompanied by the organ, sometimes by piano and supported by singing from our choir and Music Group, interspersed with prayers and news of our church family. A short child-friendly talk, after which the children leave for their own groups, is followed by some readings from the Bible and a talk that relates these readings to present day life. On the first Sunday of each month the service culminates in a celebration of Communion, when we share bread and wine together – a symbolic act remembering the Last Supper Jesus shared with his friends before going to his death on the cross. This is a special moment in our lives as Christians together when we can be quiet and know God’s presence and find comfort, encouragement and strength to meet life’s challenges. At the end of the service – which generally lasts between an hour and an hour and a quarter – tea, coffee and squash are served every week in the Memorial Hall and much conversation is shared!
What we believe
We are a Christian church and believe that God’s love is for everyone, no matter who we are or what we have done. We believe in a God of forgiveness who calls us to turn away from past mistakes and regrets and to live following the example of his son Jesus.
If you are interested in exploring the Christian faith then please come along on a Sunday and speak to any of the Elders – you can spot them by the badges they wear.
Also, on a Wednesday morning 10 – 12 is a community café (Clock Tower) This is a great place to meet people and relax & chat.
For disabled people
We aim to be an all-inclusive church. Our premises are wheelchair accessible and we have reserved parking spaces for blue badge holders, which are near the car park entrance. There is a wheelchair accessible toilet. The church is fitted with an induction loop, and hearing aids should be turned to the T position to use this facility.
What happens during the week?
If you enter the building by the car park entrance you will immediately see a very large board detailing all the activities that take place during the week. We have uniformed organisations ranging from Rainbows and Beavers through Cubs, Brownies, Guides and Scouts to Rangers and Explorers. Other groups include RoCo Dramatic Society, Toddlers & Parents meet during the week and the Twins and Multiple Birth Group twice a month.
For adults, social activities include badminton, table tennis, drama, indoor bowls, singing for pleasure and a monthly lunch club. Faith based activities are our Bible Reflections Group. We have morning and evening prayers and a Sharing God’s Love Group (all on Zoom) which work to help alleviate suffering in our city and the world. We have an annual appeal to support charities in India, Kenya and Palestine as well as more local causes.
Caring for each other
Each of our 14 Elders has a list of members and friends for whom they have particular responsibility, supported by our Pastoral Care Group who co-ordinate systems of care, including hospital visiting, and lifts to church and to medical appointments for those who need them. They keep in contact with housebound friends and generally work to share God’s love with all who are sick, lonely or bereaved.
What else?
This brief section can only give a flavour of life at St Andrew’s, so please come along and find out more for yourself. We are just waiting to meet you and welcome you into our fellowship!