Weddings & Blessings

a place to exchange vows and love in the sight of God with family & friends.

St Andrew’s seeks to be an open, inclusive, friendly and welcoming church that offers weddings for those within the St Andrew’s community and those in the wider community. St Andrew’s also offers services of blessing for those who have had a civil marriage or civil partnership.

We aim to make each service special for the couple through a joyful and reverent celebration in the sight of God. St Andrew’s warmly welcome enquiries; to find out more contact our Church Secretary, Jane Bunyan

We usually suggest that you come to a Sunday morning service to see the church and experience if St Andrew’s is the right church for your special occasion, and we are very happy to meet couples to discuss possibilities.


Q. Do I need to ‘belong’ to St Andrew’s?
A. No – our weddings are open to the whole community.

Q. Do I need to attend Church on Sundays?
A. No – though the more a couple come the more they will feel at home in St Andrew’s on the ‘big day’.

Q. Does St Andrew’s charge a fee?
A. Yes – our fees cover church costs and supporting personnel, but are usually a small proportion of the cost of the ‘big day’! Contact our church secretary for details.

Q. Are there legal requirements for a wedding service?
A. Yes – St Andrew’s can advise what you need to do to register your wedding. St Andrew’s is authorised by civil authority for the conduct of marriages.

Q. Does St Andrew’s marry people who have been divorced?
A. Yes – though the Minister likes to meet with every couple prior to making a booking, St Andrew’s, like other Churches, seeks to be a place of forgiveness and new starts, and looks for sincerity in love and commitment.

Q. Does St Andrew’s offer preparation for the day as well as married life?

A. Couples meet with the Minister to plan their wedding service, generally the more a couple put into planning the service the more personal the service will be for them.
In addition, St Andrew’s works with St Edmund’s C of E and Lidgett Park Methodist Church to provide a Marriage Preparation Course.