St Andrew’s seeks to offer worship which is joyful and reverent, with more traditional music led by organ with a choir and more contemporary music led by keyboard, guitars, drum set and other instruments, and our musical singing group.
We use the Rejoice and Sing hymn book supported by hymns/songs from a variety of other sources. Our large drop-down screen is often used to display hymn/song words, greatly helping the congregation raise their voices to God’s glory.
Choir & Organ: Betsy Whiting
Music Group: Sarah Clarke
St Andrew’s Organ
St Andrew’s organ was built in 1908 by Abbot and Smith. The first organ never made it to the church. Shortly before it was due to be installed in the new church there was a fire at the organ builders destroying the organ intended for St Andrew’s. A replacement organ was installed a month after the church opened in November 1908.